Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game
Rychlé taktické RPG s inovativním systémem odehrávající se ve světě magie i strojů, ve kterém se mísí žánry. Obsáhlá plnobarevná příručka s krásnými ilustracemi obsahuje vše, co k hraní potřebujete včetně ukázkových kampaní. Kniha je v anglickém jazyce.
Z oficiálních stránek si můžete stáhnout deníky postavy, plánky k ukázovým kampaním, ukázku pravidel a další vytisknutelné doplňky.
A fast-paced, tactical, cover-shooter RPG that brings something new to the genre.
Set in a world of magic, machines, airships, and daeva, Zafir offers a unique alternative to traditional, western fantasy settings. Play as one of six sapient species and advance along six branching class trees while earning new abilities and fighting deadlier enemies.
With an easy-to-learn, d6-based resolution mechanic and compelling setting, Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game is a great choice for any gaming group.
The Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game core rulebook includes: the Player's Guide including the rules, species descriptions, class list, and equipment; the Zafir Campaign Setting, with detailed information on the species, nations, history, and technology of Zafir; and the Game Master's Guide, with advice for running games, an example campaign of 5 missions, and the enemy unit list.
Z oficiálních stránek si můžete stáhnout deníky postavy, plánky k ukázovým kampaním, ukázku pravidel a další vytisknutelné doplňky.
A fast-paced, tactical, cover-shooter RPG that brings something new to the genre.
Set in a world of magic, machines, airships, and daeva, Zafir offers a unique alternative to traditional, western fantasy settings. Play as one of six sapient species and advance along six branching class trees while earning new abilities and fighting deadlier enemies.
With an easy-to-learn, d6-based resolution mechanic and compelling setting, Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game is a great choice for any gaming group.
The Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game core rulebook includes: the Player's Guide including the rules, species descriptions, class list, and equipment; the Zafir Campaign Setting, with detailed information on the species, nations, history, and technology of Zafir; and the Game Master's Guide, with advice for running games, an example campaign of 5 missions, and the enemy unit list.
Detaily vydání
Raritní fantasy RPG
Raritní fantasy RPG
440 stran
vázaná vazba
440 stran
vázaná vazba
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