Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set
Sada Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set obsahuje řadu pravidel a užitečného herního materiálu pro fantasy hru na hrdiny Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.
Sada je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastnit základní pravidla.
Enter the thrilling world of Fritz Leiber’s Nehwon, home to the legendary city of Lankhmar and the infamous heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Prepare yourself to battle members of the city’s nefarious Thieves’ Guild in fog- shrouded alleys, to barter for cursed curios in the Plaza of Dark Delights, and to seek the wisdom of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face! All this and more is possible with DCC Lankhmar.
This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the unique setting of Nehwon and Lankhmar, the City of the Black Toga. Inside, you’ll find new spells, monsters, magical items, patrons, and rules to make your DCC RPG campaign more like Leiber’s exiting stories - including the popular “Fleeting Luck” mechanic where good fortune blesses your characters one minute, only to dash their hopes the next. This set also includes a detailed look at Lankhmar and provides the judge with an assortment of descriptions, tables, and adventure ideas to get their DCC Lankhmar campaign up and running with a minimum of effort, including the adventure “No Small Crimes in Lankhmar” and a beautiful city map illustrated by Doug Kovacs.
A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set.
Inside this box you will find::
Sada je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastnit základní pravidla.
Enter the thrilling world of Fritz Leiber’s Nehwon, home to the legendary city of Lankhmar and the infamous heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Prepare yourself to battle members of the city’s nefarious Thieves’ Guild in fog- shrouded alleys, to barter for cursed curios in the Plaza of Dark Delights, and to seek the wisdom of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face! All this and more is possible with DCC Lankhmar.
This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the unique setting of Nehwon and Lankhmar, the City of the Black Toga. Inside, you’ll find new spells, monsters, magical items, patrons, and rules to make your DCC RPG campaign more like Leiber’s exiting stories - including the popular “Fleeting Luck” mechanic where good fortune blesses your characters one minute, only to dash their hopes the next. This set also includes a detailed look at Lankhmar and provides the judge with an assortment of descriptions, tables, and adventure ideas to get their DCC Lankhmar campaign up and running with a minimum of effort, including the adventure “No Small Crimes in Lankhmar” and a beautiful city map illustrated by Doug Kovacs.
A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set.
Inside this box you will find::
- The Judge’s Guide to Nehwon (104 pages)
- Compendium of Secret Knowledge (40 pages)
- Lankhmar: City of the Black Toga (44 pages)
- Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #0: No Small Crimes in Lankhmar (12 pages)
- A gigantic 33” x 17” poster map of the City of Lankhmar
- Another 17” x 22” map of Nehwon
- A 3-panel judges screen with tables specific to the DCC Lankhmar setting
- An exclusive issue of the Goodman Games Gazette
- Plus download codes for a digital edition
Detaily zboží
Váha: cca 1362 g
Goodman Games
Goodman Games
Dinosaurium obskurnich světů
Dinosaurium obskurnich světů
Kód produktu
Fotografie od zákazníků
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set - hodnocení

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Tak tohle je naprostá bomba! Zatím mám rozečtený jen celkový popis světa aka Judge's Guide to Nehwon (česky Ydkin - zkuste to pozpátku:), a musím říct, že pro někoho, kdo miluje DCC a zároveň i Leiberovu dvojku Fafhrda a Šedého Myšilova, je to učiněný dar z nebes. Je to čtivé, obsahuje to tak akorát faktů (aby to nezačalo nudit), abyste jako Soudce měli představu, jak vést hru v tomto settingu a vyznali se v něm a zároveň je to prostě krásné! Hlavně ta krabice, že... :-) Ilustrace DCC jsou prostě ikonické a parádní, i když chápu, že někomu se třeba líbit nemusí. A ty mapy... Mít kam je pověsit (aby mi za to žena nevyčinila:), už by byly někde zarámované. Nemůžu, než si zde tak trochu odplivnout směrem k Wizards of the Coast a jejich DnD 5e, kteří prostě nejsou schopni dodat ani z půlky (Anebo vůbec? Ty jejich MtG levobočky neberu vůbec v potaz...) takhle skvěle zpracovaný a všeobsáhlý Setting s velkým S.
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