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Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium - Sand and Dust

Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium - Sand and Dust
Na objednání Objednejte nyní, zboží doručíme, jakmile bude k mání (cca 3-4 týdny). Doprava od 49 Kč
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● Šířku hrudníku měříme pod rukávy, délku od ramene.
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pondělí-pátek 11 - 17

Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium - Sand and Dust

Příručka Sand and Dust pro hru na hrdiny Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium obsahuje popis pouštní planety Arrakis, místa, kde se těží koření. V knize najdete spoustu užitečných informací, dobrodružství The water must flow, odhalení tajemství koření a z něj vycházející schopnosti a dovednosti, popis Fremenů a mnoho dalšího!

Příručka je v angličtině.


In the backwaters of the vast Imperium of humanity lies the hostile desert world of Arrakis. It is a deadly place, where no drop of rain falls and the people live a sparse existence in the baking cities of the northern pole. But Arrakis is the most important planet in the entire universe, for it is only here that you can find the spice melange.

The spice is everything. To some, it is a way to extend life, to others a way to see into the future. It is the key to wealth and power in the Imperium, and many of the noble Houses will stop at nothing to control it in any way they can. The cities of Arrakeen and Carthag are full of agents and spies, all looking to gain advantage for their faction, and ready to kill to maintain the power of their masters. Will Arrakis be the place your characters prove the power of their House, or will their blood be spilled on the unforgiving sands?

This sourcebook for the Dune: Adventures in the Imperium roleplaying game, takes you to the desert world of Arrakis and explores the secrets of the spice. Visit the hidden sietches of the Fremen to learn the mysteries of their culture. Walk without rhythm in the great deserts and perhaps see one of the incredible sandworms. Trade secrets with spies and agents in the bustling marketplace of Arrakeen or the alleys of Carthag. Arrakis is a planet of mysteries and danger, and those who underestimate it never leave.

Sand and Dust: The Arrakis Sourcebook contains:
  • A 156 page US letter size high quality sewn hardback packed with full colour art.
  • An overview of the planet Arrakis, known as Dune, its history and features.
  • Detail on the mysterious desert Fremen, and their many secrets.
  • A host of new options for Fremen player characters, including new archetypes, talents and rules for riding the great sandworms.
  • An in-depth look at spice harvesting and those who try to smuggle and stockpile it secretly.
  • The secrets of spice revealed, including new spice related talents and abilities.
  • A gazetteer of the cities of Carthag and Arrakeen, including their layout, noteworthy landmarks, and what life is like for the people of each city.
  • Expanded notes on creating your own campaigns on Arrakis, including a host of new NPCs, scenario hooks and story seeds.
  • New campaign options as smugglers, Fremen or merchants instead of agents of a noble House.
  • A complete adventure ‘The water must flow’ that involves the player characters in a deadly plot during a water shortage on Arrakis.
  • A digital copy of this book will be provided.

Detaily vydání

Dune RPG
222 x 286 mm
156 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Kód produktu

Fotografie od zákazníků

Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium - Sand and Dust - hodnocení

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Velmi pěkně ilustrované rozšíření pro hru na planetě Arrakis.

Je toto hodnocení přínosné? ANO
Oldřich P. 6 () 5 z 5 hvězdiček!


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Balíkovna53 Kč
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Balíkovna na adresu99 Kč
GLS - doručení na výdejní místo ČR49 Kč
GLS - doručení na adresu ČR99 Kč
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Zásilkovna - Zásilkovna79 Kč
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Dobírka (hotově/kartou při převzetí zboží)59 Kč
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Objednejte nyní, zboží doručíme, jakmile bude k mání (cca 3-4 týdny) Pohlídat dostupnost

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