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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands

sleva 30%
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands
643 Kč 919 Kč  Ušetříte 30% (276 Kč)
Poslední 2 ks skladem Zboží doručíme cca v úterý 11.02.2025. Doprava od 49 Kč

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Tabulka velikostí
● Oděvy měříme položené na stole.
● Šířku hrudníku měříme pod rukávy, délku od ramene.
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands je příručka s herní kampaní pro hru na hrdiny kombinující lovecraftovský horor s chaosem a hrdinstvím druhé světové války.

Příručka je v angličtině.

Venom, Vengeance and Victory!

It is said you cannot leave Africa, it is always with you and in this combined guide and campaign book for Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20, we present a complete field guide for one of the Secret War’s most intriguing theatres, plus an epic 10-part campaign battling the might of the invidious Ophidians!

In the Guide to North Africa, you’ll find chapters on both the conventional and Secret War, with briefs, adventure seeds, bases and locations for all major factions in theatre, with the centrepiece a double page map and guide to Nachtwölfe‘s top secret “Adlerhorst” Eagle’s Nest base.

Agents can explore new character creation options like adventurer, gambler and diplomat, plus a host of new North African-themed backgrounds, characteristics and talents to expand their characters. Discover fresh NPC heroes and villains of North Africa, then arm yourself with new tools of the trade, including weapons, vehicles and creatures.

Once you’ve been thoroughly briefed, it’s time to tackle an epic 10-part campaign which takes you from Alexandria to Cairo via Tobruk, visiting lost Alexandrian temples, bizarre oases, sinister caravanserais, and forgotten temples. Dare you foil the machinations of Alom Shallar, a newly awakened Ophidian sorceress who is intent on realising the destiny of the Evolved Serpent and resurrecting the long-lost Ophidian empire?

With a climax that plays out on the deadly streets of Sethopolis, the newly arisen Serpent capital, this is thrilling, heroic pulp adventure at its finest!

  • Awesome combined guide and campaign book for both GMs and players
  • Complete guide to the Serpent People, their history, culture, creatures, technology and equipment, including a major new spellbook of Yig
  • A dedicated chapter devoted to rules for desert traversal and survival to randomly generate adventures through the great wastes
  • Includes a free digital copy of John Houlihan’s novella, Tomb of the Aeons, the original inspiration for the entire campaign!
  • Also contains free digital map pack for Virtual Table Tops!
Requires the Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 core books to run.

Detaily vydání

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands - hodnocení

Produkt Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Serpent and the Sands zatím nikdo nehodnotil.
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Zásilkovna - Zásilkovna79 Kč
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Dobírka (hotově/kartou při převzetí zboží)59 Kč
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PayPal40 Kč
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Twisto - zaplatím za 30 dnů.Zdarma
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Zboží doručíme cca v úterý 11.02.2025.

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