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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Long Hunt

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Long Hunt
823 Kč 1 029 Kč  Ušetříte 20% (206 Kč)
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Long Hunt

Příručka The Long Hunt je třetí část série Dawnbringers pro Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

Příručka je v angličtině.

The Twin-Tailed Crusade continues to wind its way across the realms, but there are many who wish to see it fall.

As the Aqshian expedition flees the ruins of Trucebreak, its soldiers find themselves hemmed in on all sides. The Goretide, legendary warriors of Khorne, have returned to the Great Parch – straight into the Dawnbringers’ only path of escape. Meanwhile, in the forests of Ghyran, ogors are on the rampage, and the ground splits open into horrifying pits that seek to set themselves on Marshal Thorian’s soldiers. Worst of all, this may only be the beginning of their woes – a furious tattoo echoes from the west, and an even greater threat may be afoot.

The Long Hunt is the third chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic series of books driving forward the narrative of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You'll find loads of riveting background material detailing the further expeditions and lethal challenges facing the Twin-Tailed Crusade and its mortal champions, as well as rules and background for new heroes and allies, including Neave Blacktalon and her warband, Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, and Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls. The book also includes a Path to Glory Battlepack, warscrolls for Gorger Mawpacks and Mawpit faction terrain pieces, and rules for using four armies of renown in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Inside this 96-page hardback book you'll find:
  • An exciting narrative that details the perilous journey of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, along with battleplans that allow you to play out key moments in the story on the tabletop
  • Rules for Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls, Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, and the Blacktalons
  • Warscrolls for using Gorger Mawpacks and Mawpit faction terrain pieces with Ogor Mawtribes armies, and for using Vulkyn Flameseekers with Fyreslayers armies
  • A Path to Glory battlepack in which you command either the Aqshian or the Ghyranite half of the Twin-Tailed Crusade
  • Rules for four different armies of renown: Draconith Skywing, the Evergreen Hunt, Lofnir Drothkeepers and the Roving Maw

Detaily vydání

96 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Games Workshop
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