Polaris RPG: Location Map Folio
poslední kusy za tuto cenu sleva 86%Polaris RPG: Location Map Folio
Sada Polaris RPG: Location Map Folio obsahuje 16 různých detailních map pro sci-fi hru na hrdiny Polaris RPG.
Svět se změnil. Povrch již neexistuje. Jedinou cestou ven je vydat se hlouběji do hlubin. Ale jak vypadá život hluboko v oceánech?
Balení je v angličtině.
The Location Map Folio for the Polaris RPG details 16 different locations of the setting. The world has changed. The surface no longer exists. The only way out now is farther into the Deep. But how does life look like deep in the oceans?
The Polaris RPG Location Map Folio provides 16 full-color maps to enhance your campaigns. Each sheet presents a different location, helpful captions on the front let you quickly identify each place. Flip the map to its backside and you get the same location but without any captions so players can discover the place step by step!
These sample locations are useful for Game Masters to base their campaigns around them or by quickly integrating new places in existing stories. Add more depth to your Polaris RPG adventures!
Balení je v angličtině.
The Location Map Folio for the Polaris RPG details 16 different locations of the setting. The world has changed. The surface no longer exists. The only way out now is farther into the Deep. But how does life look like deep in the oceans?
The Polaris RPG Location Map Folio provides 16 full-color maps to enhance your campaigns. Each sheet presents a different location, helpful captions on the front let you quickly identify each place. Flip the map to its backside and you get the same location but without any captions so players can discover the place step by step!
These sample locations are useful for Game Masters to base their campaigns around them or by quickly integrating new places in existing stories. Add more depth to your Polaris RPG adventures!
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Zařazeno v kategoriích
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Sci-fi RPG Polaris RPG
Akce Vše do 99 Kč
Výrobci Hry Paizo Publishing
Akce Výprodej RPG a figurek
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Sci-fi RPG Polaris RPG
Akce Vše do 99 Kč
Výrobci Hry Paizo Publishing
Akce Výprodej RPG a figurek