Numenera Core Book
Numenera Core Book je základní kniha RPG Numenera, která obsahuje všechna potřebná herní pravidla a představí vám Devátý svět (Ninth World). Příručka dále obsahuje rady pro GM a dobrodružství, díky nimž se snadno odstanete do hry.
Knihá má 416 stran, je vázaná, s barevnými obrázky a v anglickém jazyce.
Sections of the book:
Adventures: There’s really no better way to learn a game than by playing, and these adventures will get you playing right away. Further, they provide insight for GMs into what kinds of adventures they might want to create on their own, and what can be done in a Numenera scenario.
Knihá má 416 stran, je vázaná, s barevnými obrázky a v anglickém jazyce.

Sections of the book:
- Welcome to the Ninth World: This is a brief overview of the setting to give you a feel for things as we go forward.
- An Introduction to Numenera: This is an overview of the rules. Basically, in just a few short pages, you’ll learn everything you need to play the game.
- Creating Your Character: All the stuff you need to make a very memorable character, with an emphasis on story and getting to play exactly the character you want to play.
- Playing the Game: This is the more complete and in-depth explanation of the rules. (Although it’s still pretty short as RPG rulesets go.) While “An Introduction to Numenera” teaches you to play, this is the chapter you’ll refer to when you want to remember how to use the rules to do something.
- Optional Rules: I didn’t want to clutter the very simple and straightforward rules with a lot of options or complications, so they all go here. If you want a more complex, robust game, you might want to add in some or all of these optional rules. If you want to keep things simple, just skip this chapter.
- Discovering the Ninth World: The longest section of the book, this provides a lot of information about the setting, with an emphasis on weird things to discover and exciting things to do.
- Creatures and Characters: The Ninth World is filled with interesting creatures and NPCs. This chapter provides details on a number of them.
- The Numenera: This section rpgvides you with heaps of interesting items and weird technologies to include the game.
Adventures: There’s really no better way to learn a game than by playing, and these adventures will get you playing right away. Further, they provide insight for GMs into what kinds of adventures they might want to create on their own, and what can be done in a Numenera scenario.
Detaily vydání
416 stran
vázaná vazba
416 stran
vázaná vazba
Monte Cook
Monte Cook
Kód produktu
Zařazeno v kategoriích
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Fantasy RPG Numenera
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Sci-fi RPG Numenera
Výrobci Ostatní Monte Cook
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Fantasy RPG Numenera
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Sci-fi RPG Numenera
Výrobci Ostatní Monte Cook
Fotografie od zákazníků
Numenera Core Book - hodnocení

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Numenera je nádherně ilustrovaná, pravidla jsou srozumitelně napsané a celá kniha je nejvyšší kvality. Vazba je velmi dobře svázaná, a i při větším používání stále drží. Oproti D&D 5e knihám, které se mi po dvou měsících používání začaly rozlepovat, jsem zatím naprosto spokojený. Svět Numenery jako takový, doporučuju všem co mají rádi jak sci-fi, tak fantasy a v knize samotné najdete hromadu inspirace pro hraní.
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